Web Media

Cavalerie Web Media


Let me introduce myself. Saulnier Yvon-Daniel. Web designer and site owner, editor of the ilolgo Store blog. I was 12 years old when I got my first computer: an IBM 8086 XT with two 5 1/4 floppy disk drives. At the time, everything that was done on a computer had to be written in DOS mode, in order to open or run software.

Saulnier Yvon-Daniel

Around the age of 16, I started assembling a computer piece by piece from an empty case. It turned on, the processor was running, but the screen remained black. I spend a whole evening trying to figure it out with a friend, to no avail. Then during the night: Eureka! Driven by the intuition that I'm holding something, I jump out of my bed and return to the disemboweled carcass lying on the pool table. I slide my fingers into the wiring of the internal case and move a jumper on the motherboard. I restart the whole thing and the system starts up normally!

It was there that I knew, alone in my parents' basement at 3 o'clock in the morning, that my passion for computers as well as the constant desire to learn more would live in me forever. I then worked as a valuables transport agent, as well as a bodyguard and patrol officer in order to earn a living, for 16 years. What was I doing when I got home? Assemble or repair computers and build websites. In 2015, I am redirecting my career in order to devote myself to what I am really passionate about: computer science, obviously! I create and register my company (Cavalerie Web Media) for the Province of Quebec, Canada N.E.Q. #2260580685, specialized in website design, SEO expert and computer system repair.

I then start walking the streets of my city to show up at the shops and hand over my business cards.... in fact, all my clients, I have found them on the path of my life. I am starting to create a large website with a large database, which I used to publicize the history and services of local companies. ... Unfortunately on November 12, 2016 I had my site completely deleted. Several years of lost work. I am bewildered, demolished, demoralized, furious and angry. I am then 3 months old, no longer wanting to know anything about computers.

One morning, I get up, think about it and decide to roll up my sleeves and keep moving forward and find a new web platform that would be safer than the one used before, which leads me at the same time to review my work habits... By reading articles (blogs) on the internet about what could have happened to my lost site, I then begin to understand some elements that could have made my site vulnerable at the time... My SECURITY side then comes out in me and I then decide to find a new way to protect my works.

My passion today is to create new websites, add them to the search engine algorithm, as a web designer and then protect them against these vulnerabilities. Saulnier Yvon-Daniel (CEO) of the web agency "Cavalerie Web Media" now has 22 years of experience in designing e-Commerce web projects. 8 years of experience in natural referencing, 6 years in computer security.

My mission:

To make known the history and services of local companies, regardless of the color of their flags!

«Ambition is the path to success. Perseverance is the vehicle in which you will get there» Bill Bradley
«Nothing great has been accomplished in the world without passion» Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
«The vision without the action is simply a dream. Action without vision only passes the time. A vision combined with action can change the world» Joel A. Barker

French version
