
Saulnier Yvon-Daniel
supportJuly 3, 2024

New questions from the community!

The "Questions" section is an application to organize our knowledge bases. Classify articles, answer questions, collect customer feedback and bug reports, discuss various topics with you, dear customers and visitors — all in one place. A perfect tool for self-help for site visitors and customers.

You will find a classic discussion thread with a simple list of comments sorted in chronological order. Archived and sections are available for consultation and can be commented on, actions are allowed for visitors registered or authorized on the site.

The congratulations are of an evaluation based on the activities of the users in the discussions and of our community, and on how it is evaluated by other users.

If you follow this section, then new responses from visitors to the site will be sent to you by e-mail.

To ask a question, or to answer a question, please register or log in!

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